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La traduction française est à la fin de cette page.
Mario Torroella was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1935. Ever since he can remember, Mario has been drawing and painting. His mother who had studied art in Havana at the Academy of San Alejandro, and in the USA at the Corcoran art gallery, taught him the different techniques of watercolor and oil painting. Otherwise, he is a self-taught artist.
At an early age, he was sent to study with his two brothers to the United states. He graduated from Dartmouth College and proceeded to study architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design while continuing to practice art here and in Cuba. Before graduating from Harvard, Mario took a leave of absence in 1959 to return to Cuba and work for the Cuban revolution. He soon became disenchanted with the new regime, and in 1960 definitely left the country. In 1962, Mario graduated from Harvard and began practicing architecture in Cambridge, Massachusetts while at the same time exhibiting in different venues and countries. Mario’s first-one-person exhibit was at the art gallery of the University of Puerto Rico in 1962. In 1969, Mario was cofounder of HMFH Architects, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts where he has acted as partner in charge of design.
Mario has had group and one-person exhibits in the United States, Puerto Rico, France, Switzerland and Spain. Works of his are found in private collections in the USA, Puerto Rico, Peru, Chile, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Taiwan and Japan, and in the permanent collection of the University of Puerto Rico, and El Museo de Arte Contemporaneo De Velez-Malaga, Spain. A piece of his has been exhibited at a group show in El Museo of America, Madrid, Spain, in 2005.
Written by Guy Michel Telemaque, photographer and professor of art at the Boston Arts Academy.
I paint in order to communicate and/or alleviate an alienation brought about by coming from where extreme beauty and natural abundance have been the backdrop for a society which has often erupted in self-violence, thus causing great sorrow to all concerned. These two components, beauty and sorrow, combined with analysis and criticism, are great stimuli for expressing one’s feelings, and expression and feeling is what my art is about.
The paintings displayed on this site are sold directly to the buyer by the artist. Please, go to CONTACT in order to e-mail questions and interest in buying.
One person’s Shows
2018 Larkin Gallery, Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA
2017 Larkin Gallery, Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA
2009 Boston Arts Academy, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2003 Ars Atelier, Union City, New Jersey, USA
2003 Agustin Gainza Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
2001 La Galerie Absidial, Vannes, France
2000 Ars Atelier, Union City, New Jersey, USA
1999 Gallery Bershad, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
1996 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
1993 La Galeria Marrozzini, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1988 La Galerie Absidial, Nantes, France
1986 The Copley Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1984 Longy School of Music, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
1973 Boston City Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1967 The Pan American Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1967 La Casa del Arte, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1962 The museum of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Pedras, Puerto Rico
Group Shows
2016 Villa Victoria Cultural Center, Boston, MA., USA
2010 Two painters, one sculptor, three visions. Atrium on the Brook, N.J., USA
2006 Florida International University, Miami, Florida, in conjunction with Basel in Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
2006 Cuban Cultural Center of New York, New York, USA
2005 Museo de America, Madrid, Spain
2003 Agustin Gainza Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
2002 La Galerie Editart, Geneva, Switzerland
1998 La Galeria Raices, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1994 Cuban Graphics at the Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, USA
1993 La Galeria Marrozzini, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1992 Javier Lumbreras Fine Art, Coral Gables, Florida, USA
1992 Cambridge Multicultural Art Center, Cambridge, Massachusettes, USA
1992 La Casa de Cuba, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1991 Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1991 The Elite Fine Arts Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, USA
1991 Chandler Gallery, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, USA
1991 Chandler Gallery, Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA
1991 The Jamaica Plains Multicultural Arts Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1990 Bank of Boston Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1990 The Elite Fine Arts Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, USA
1990 The Kimberly Gallery, Washington DC, USA
1989 Barcelona International Art Forum, Barcelona, Spain
1987 North Eastern University Art Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1986 University of Massachusetts Boston Art Gallery, Massachusetts, USA
1984 The Copley Society of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1984 Artconsult International Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1976 The 11th Menton Biennale, Menton, France
1976 The Gallery at 1501, Brookline, Massachusetts, USA
1974 The 10th Menton Biennale, Menton, France
1967 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities Artists Exhibition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1967 The museum of Fine Arts, Ponce, Puerto Rico
1992 Commissioned to design the book cover for the short stories collection “Transiciones, Migraciones”, Julio Matas, by Ediciones Universal, Miami, Florida, USA
1992 Commissioned a silkscreen as part of a five artist series by The Miami Press, Miami, Florida, USA
1984 Commissioned to design a wool tapestry 8 ft. by 10 ft. for a private collector of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Piece was not produced.
1980 Commissioned to design a 7 ft. by 12 ft. wool tapestry for a private collection in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. This piece was executed by Edward Fields Inc. in New York City, New York, USA
1978 Commissioned by the city of Boston to design a wool tapestry 6 ft. by 16 ft. for The Charlestown High School in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The piece was executed in the studios of Edward Fields, Inc. in New York City, New York, USA
1976 Commissioned by Edward Fields, Inc. of New York City, New York, USA to design a series of tapestries.
1976 Commissioned to design a 7 ft by 7 ft. wool tapestry for a private collector in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The piece was executed in the studios of Edward Fields, Inc., in New York City, New York, USA
2005 “Lugares donde detener la Mirada, en homenaje a Maria Zambrano” Museo de America, Madrid, Spain
2004 “Cuban-American Art in Miami, Exile, identity and the Neo-Baroque” Lynette Bosh; Lund Humpries, UK / USA
2003 “Entre Dos Luces” Julio Matas; Ediciones Universal, USA. The cover of this book uses my painting “La negra sonsentida”
2001 “Olorun Rainbow” Luis Gonzales-Cr; 1st Books Library, USA. The cover of this book uses my painting “El arco iris de Olorun” which was inspired by reading the pre-publication manuscript of the novel.
1990 “La Nuez, revista de arte y literatura”New York, New York, USA
1989 “Vivir en Barcelona”, ano V, Septiembre Barcelona Spain
1988 “Signes, numero Neuf” Luc Vidal; Les Editions du Nadir, Nantes, France
1988 Catalago general de artistas iberoamericanos: Editorial Arabel, Madrid, Spain
1987 “Art of Cuba in Exile” Jose Gomez-Sicre; Editorial Munder, Miami, Florida, USA
1984 Linden Lane Magazine, New Jersey, USA
Media Interviews
1992 A television presentation of various works by Hispanic artists practicing in the USA. The interview and presentation took place in the television studios of Channel 56, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1984 A televised interview by Jose Maso which took place at the time of the exhibitionof gallery artists at the Artconsult Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Mario Torroella’s pieces are found in private collections in the USA, Puerto Rico, France, Great Britain, Spain, Chile, Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan.
Also the piece “Drume negrito” is found in the permanent collection of the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras. The piece “Frente al mar” is found in the permanent collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Velez-Malaga and Fundacion Maria Zambrano in Andalucia, Spain.
Final information
Mario Torroella paints in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, where he also practices architecture as a founding partner in the architectural firm of HMFH Architects, Inc..
His wife Isabelle Torroella is the author of Dare Asking your Dreams for Answers. See: www.isabelle-torroella.squarespace.com
Mario Torroella nació en La Habana, Cuba, en 1935. Desde que él pueda recorder, Mario ha dibujado y pintado. Su madre estudió arte en la Academia de San Alejandro en La Habana, Cuba, y en la Corcoran Art Gallery de Washington, D. C., EE. UU., y fue ella quien le enseñó las técnicas de acuarela y óleo. Además de eso, él se considera autodidacta.
A una edad joven, él y sus dos hermanos mayors fueron a estudiar a los EE. UU. Él se graduó de Dartmouth College y procedió a estudiar arquitectura en la Harvard University Graduate School of Design mientras que continuaba pintando en ese país y Cuba. Mario pidió permiso de un año en 1959 para regresar a Cuba y trabajar para la revolución cubana. Pronto quedó desencantado con el nuevo régimen, y en 1960 dejó la isla definitivamente. En 1962, Mario se recibió de arquitectura de Harvard y comenzó a practicar esa profesión en Cambridge, Massachusetts mientras que a la vez exhibía en diferentes locales y países.
La primera exposición de Mario tomó lugar en 1962 en la galería de arte de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras. En 1969, Mario fue cofundador de la firma de arquitectura HMFH Architects, Inc. en Cambridge, Massachusetts en donde él ha ocupado el cargo de socio a cargo de diseño.
Mario ha participado en exposiciones personales y de grupos en los EE. UU., Puerto Rico, Francia, Suiza y España y con anterioridad en Cuba. Obras suyas se encuentran en colecciones privadas de los EE. UU., Puerto Rico, Perú, Chile, Suiza, Francia, La Gran Bretaña, Taiwán y el Japón, y en las colecciones permanents de la Universidad de Puerto Rico y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vélez-Málaga, España. Una de sus piezas se ha exhibido en el Museo de América de Madrid, España.
Yo pinto para comunicar y o aliviar una alienación causada por venir de una tierra donde gran belleza y abundancia natural han sido el fondo de una sociedad que a través de los años ha irrumpido en actos de violencia contra sí misma, así causando gran sufrimiento para todos. Estos dos components, belleza y sufrimiento, combinados con análisis y crítica, son los principales estimulantes para expresar mis sentimientos personales, y expresión y sentimiento son la base de mi arte.
Las obras expuestas en este sitio son vendidas directamente al comprador por el artista. Por favor, toque “CONTACT” para poder enviar cartas electrónicas con preguntas e interés de compras.
Note que las manchas obscuras en los bordes de las tintas no ocurren en actualidad. Éstas están causadas por la ondulación del papel.
Por Favor, toque “CONTACT” en el menú para enviar preguntas mediante cartas electrónicas y o para comunicar su deseo de obtener una o varias piezas.
Mario Torroella pinta en Cambridge, Massachusetts, donde él también practica arquitectura como socio fundador de la firma HMFH Architects, Inc.
Su esposa Isabelle Torroella es la autora de Dare asking your dreams for answers. Visite su sitio: www.isabelle-torroella.squarespace.com
Mario Torroella est né à La Havane, Cuba, en 1935. Il se souvient avoir toujours déssiné et peint. Sa mère qui avait étudié l’art à l’Académie de San Alejandro à La Havane et à la Galerie Corcoran aus USA lui enseigna les différentes techniques d’aquarelle et de peinture à l’huile. Il est peintre autodidacte.
Très jeune il est parti faire ses études aux USA. Il est diplômé du collège de Dartmouth et par la suite fut admis à l’Ecole d’Architecture de Harvard tout en continuant son travail d’art sur place et à Cuba. Avant de passer ses examens finals, il s’absenta en 1959 pour retourner à Cuba et travailler pour le révolution. Il fut vite désenchanté par le nouveau régime, et quitta le pays définitivement en 1960. En 1962 Il reçu son certificat d’architecte de Harvard, et commença à exercer la profession à Cambridge, Massachusetts, et à exposer ses peintures dans différentes villes et pays.
Son premier vernissage personnel eut lieu à l’Université de Porto Rico en 1962. En 1968 il devint un des fondateurs du cabinet d’architecture HMFH Architects, Inc. à Cambridge, Massachusetts, et designer en chef.
Mario a participé à des expositions individuelles et en groupe aux USA, à Porto Rico, en France, Suisse et Espagne. Ses oeuvres se trouvent dans des collections privées aux USA, à Porto Rico, au Chili, en Suisse, France, Grande- Bretagne, à Taiwan, au Japon, ainsi qu’à l’Université de Porto Rico et au Musée d’Art Contemporain de Velez-Malaga, Espagne. Un de ses tableaux a été sélectionné pour participer à une exposition collective au Musée d’Amérique à Madrid, Espagne, en 2005.
Je peins pour communiquer et atténuer l’aliénation qui trouve son origine dans l’extraordinaire beauté et l’abondance naturelle servant de toile de fond à une société qui a eu souvent recours à une violence dirigée contre elle même, imposant ainsi une souffrance immense à tous ceux concernés. Ces deux éléments, beauté et souffrance, unis à l’esprit d’analyse et de critique, sont des stimulants puissants pour exprimer ses propres sentiments, expression et sentiments étant les sujets de mon art.
Notez que le tâches sombres en bordure des encres ne sont pas présentes en réalité. Elle sont le résultat du papier qui a ondulé très légèrement lors de l’application de l’encre.
Veuillez cliquer CONTACT sur le menu pour envoyer vos questions par e-mail et/ou communiquer vôtre désir de vous procurer une ou plusieurs oeuvres.
Mario Torroella peind à Cambridge, Massachusetts où il exerce aussi le métier d’architecte en tant que partenaire fondateur de la firme HMFH Architects, Inc..
Sa femme Isabelle Torroella est l’auteur de Dare asking your dreams for answers. Visitez son site à www.isabelle-torroella.squarespace.com.